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计算软件 发布于 2024-6-11 20:35

SDBDesigner是基于Python开发的表面介质阻挡放电(有时也叫做表面电离波)性能参数计算工具箱。该工具箱具有以下功能:(1)计算指定情况下表面介质阻挡放电的等离子体与流动特性;(2)自动参数化计算放电与流动特 ...
SDBDesigner是基于Python开发的表面介质阻挡放电(有时也叫做表面电离波)性能参数计算工具箱。该工具箱具有以下功能:(1)计算指定情况下表面介质阻挡放电的等离子体与流动特性;(2)自动参数化计算放电与流动特性;(3)根据表面介质阻挡放电目标参数反向设计表面介质阻挡放电的几何、电压、材料特性参数。该软件的算法源于Victor Soloviev教授和Vladimir Kristov教授的前期理论工作 [1, 2]。 本软件将该算法进行了发展与修正,完成实验验证后由朱益飞博士完成整体开发。

软件使用地址:SDBDesigner (plasma-tech.net)


SDBDesigner is a software developed in Python, devoted to calculate basic parameters of surface dielectric barrier discharges (or the so–called surface ionization waves). The functionalities of SDBDesigner include: (1) Calculate the discharge and flow properties at certain condition; (2) Calculate and draw Parametrically and automatically the discharge and fluid properties; (3) Search the designing parameters of SDBD according to the target discharge and fluid properties. The algorithms in this software is mainly based on the theoretical work of Prof. Victor Soloviev and Prof. Vladimir Kristov [1, 2]. The theories have been extended and validated in nanosecond pulsed discharges later.

[1] V. R. Soloviev, “Analytical estimation of the thrust generated by a surface dielectric barrier discharge,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 45, no. 2, 2012.
[2] Y. Zhu, Y. Wu, “The secondary ionization wave and characteristic map of surface discharge plasma in a wide time scale,”. New J. Phys. 22, 103060 (2020).
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