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计算软件 发布于 2024-11-22 14:44

PASSKEy2代码是由朱益飞团队(低温等离子体多场耦合与主动优化课题组,Plasma-Fluid-Chemistry Multiphysics Modeling and Modulation, PFC3M)在西安交通大学航空动力系统与等离子体技术全国重点实验室(APPL)和等 ...
What is PASSKEy2?
PASSKEy2代码是由朱益飞团队(低温等离子体多场耦合模拟与主动优化控制课题组,Plasma-Fluid-Chemistry Multiphysics Modeling and Modulation, PFC3M)在西安交通大学航空动力系统与等离子体技术全国重点实验室(APPL)和等离子体计算工坊(Atelier des Plasmas)支持下,基于DigitPlasma项目推动形成的新一代自主、免费的多物理场耦合低温等离子体装置求解器代码。

  • 基于流体方法的低温等离子体动力学模块(>50Pa
  • 基于RANS方法的湍流流体动力学模块
  • 基于Chemkin输入的燃烧与平衡化学模块
  • 基于电流源假设的π型电路耦合模块
  • 基于PIC/MCC的粒子混合模块
  • CAE结构输入模块
  • 自适应网格生成模块
PASSKEy2专注于针对中高气压(>50 Pa)条件下的等离子体多物理场耦合问题建立具备实用价值的快速计算数字样机,具有远超商用软件和上一代PASSKEy的高收敛性(收敛性不受气压限制)、高计算速度(强间断计算问题可加速>100倍)、高验证可靠性(来源于大量已发表论文)、强调试扩展性(国内团队自有代码不卡脖子,学术团队背景理论支撑力强)和学术研究免费的优势,并在快速迭代升级中。

How to use?
PASSKEy代码下载与说明:PASSKEy2 Homepage
使用PASSKEy代码发表的文献列表:PUBLICATIONS | PASSKEy (plasma-tech.net)

Qustions and cooperations?

Copyrights and reference?
[1] Yifei ZHU, Xiancong CHEN, Yun WU, Svetlana STARIKOVSKAIA: PASSKEy code [software]. Available from http://www.plasma-tech.net/passkey/ (Science and Technology of Plasma Dynamics Laboratory, Xi’an, China and Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Paris, Fracne, 2021).
[2] Yifei ZHU, Xiaochi MA, Luying BAI, Yifan QIU, Chenhua REN, Yun WU: PASSKEy2 code [software]. Available from http://www.plasma-tech.net/passkey2/passkey2/ (Aerospace Power Systems and Plasma Technology Laboratory, Xi'an, China and Atelier des Plasmas, China.)
[3] Xiaochi Ma, Luying Bai, Yifei Zhu*, Xinxian Jiang and Yun Wu. "Numerical investigation of discharge evolution and breakdown characteristics of ArF excimer lasers." Plasma Sources Science and Technology 33.7 (2024): 075012.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------English Version----------------------------------------------------------
PASSKEy2 is a 2D Plasma Source Solver included in the framework of DigitPlasma project supported by the group of Atelier des Plasmas (等离子体计算工坊) and Aerospace Power Systems and Plasma Technology Laboratory (航空动力系统与等离子体技术全国重点实验室) of Xi’an Jiaotong University.

PASSKEy2 gets its name from its previous version PASSKEy (PArallel Streamer Solver with KinEtics), and has been updated with new physics and capabilities for complex low temperature plasma applications.

The code is created by Prof. Yifei ZHU (朱益飞) and developed by Dr. Xiaochi MA (马啸驰), Dr. Luying BAI (白鹭影), Dr. Yifan QIU (仇一帆) and Dr. Chenhua REN (任晨华).

Modules included
Plasma module: a classical drift-diffusion-reaction model with fluid approach
Fluid dynamics module: a classical fluid model with k-w approach for turbulence.
Combustion chemistry module: a classical combustion chemistry model compatible with Chemkin inputs.
External circuit module: a π-type circuit model.
Advanced modules: Monte Carlo module, Electro-Magnetic field module, Ion momentum module, Restart module…
* Advanced modules and specified models are open upon cooperations.

  • Easy-to-read Input Format. Geometries can be created with CAE tools. Reactions can be defined with the ZDPlaskin style and Chemkin style. All the physical and numerical parameters can be set with two files.
  • Pre-coupled Physics. Plasma, fluid, combustion, photoionization, circuit … different physics are organized based on most common conditions in low temperature plasma applications.
  • Automatic Mesh Generation. The Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement technique is used for complex geometries and to accelerate the calculations. Users do not need to think about mesh drawing issues.

Discussion and participation
We encourage users to feedback on the BBS of Atelier des Plasmas (http://bbs.plasma-tech.net/), or directly with the development group through Wechat (PlasmaWorkshop, 工坊君) or Email directly to the developers. We welcome new contributors with enthusiasm and experience. We look forward to cooperations on interesting topics in science and technology.

Permission to use PASSKEy2 in non-commercial applications is hereby granted, provided that proper reference is made in publications reporting results obtained using this software. At present, the preferred way to reference PASSKEy2 is as follows:
[1] Yifei ZHU, Xiancong CHEN, Yun WU, Svetlana STARIKOVSKAIA: PASSKEy code [software]. Available from http://www.plasma-tech.net/passkey/ (Science and Technology of Plasma Dynamics Laboratory, Xi’an, China and Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Paris, Fracne, 2021).
[2] Yifei ZHU, Xiaochi MA, Luying BAI, Yifan QIU, Chenhua REN, Yun WU: PASSKEy2 code [software]. Available from http://www.plasma-tech.net/passkey2/passkey2/ (Aerospace Power Systems and Plasma Technology Laboratory, Xi'an, China and Atelier des Plasmas, China.)
[3] Xiaochi Ma, Luying Bai, Yifei Zhu*, Xinxian Jiang and Yun Wu. "Numerical investigation of discharge evolution and breakdown characteristics of ArF excimer lasers." Plasma Sources Science and Technology 33.7 (2024): 075012.

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