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计算软件 发布于 2024-6-11 20:19

CPCC代码不仅可以计算等离子体-燃烧过程,也可以处理普通化学反应,能够(1)解决ZDPlaskin无法处理大量、复杂可逆反应和放热反应的弊病,(2)解决传统化工/燃烧反应无法包含电子碰撞反应的缺点,是解决等离子体能 ...
CPCC(Coupled Plasma and Combustion Chemistry solver)是朱益飞博士、陈贤聪博士合作基于零维等离子体反应动力学代码ZDPlaskin和自研平衡化学反应代码编写的等离子体-燃烧混合化学反应动力学求解器,并在仇一帆博士、李振阳硕士的接力开发下完成升级和实用化。

CPCC代码下载与说明:ABOUT | CPCC (plasma-tech.net)


The Coupled Plasma and Combustion Chemistry solver is a Fortran 90 module designed to calculate the temporal evolution of the densities and temperatures in a coupled plasma-combustion chemistry system assuming global uniformity. The solver is essence a combination of the ZDPlaskin code and a homemade combustion chemistry code, thus is compatible with the input files of ZDPlaskin and Chemkin inputs.

The code is created in Xi’an Jiaotong University by Dr. Xiancong Chen and Dr. Yifei ZHU, and improved by Mr. Zhenyang Li and Dr. Yifan Qiu, with the support of National Key Lab of Aerospace Power System and Plasma Technology (航空动力系统与等离子体技术全国重点实验室)and the group of Atelier des Plasmas (等离子体计算工坊团队).

The CPCC code is partly inspired by the Hybrid Plasma and Combustion code made in Princeton.
Permission to use CPCC is only granted to cooperating groups, provided that proper reference to our group and to Princeton group is made.

[1] Yifan Qiu, Yifei Zhu*, Yun Wu, Ningqiu Zhao, Zhenyang Li, Mai Hao, Boya Zhang, and Di Pan. 2023. "Numerical investigation of the hybrid pulse–DC plasma assisted ignition and NOx emission of NH3/N2/O2 mixture." Combustion and Flame, 258 113078.

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