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==================================Initialization Finished=================================
Plasma(electrode) Current Calculated
DVODPK- At T (=R1) and step size H (=R2), the
corrector convergence failed repeatedly
or with abs(H) = HMIN
In above, R1 = 0.0000000000000D+00 R2 = 0.1309302926972D-22
External Circuit Equation Solved (Vodpk solver)
Plasma Module is running
density checked at the beginning
1000.00000000000 Voltage Get through Circuit
Poisson Lagrange Basis Functions assigned
Poisson and Helmholtz Stencil JA and IA assigned
Poisson A matrix Assigned
Poisson RHS Assigned
iparm(4)= 0
Factorization completed ...
Poisson equation Solved ... iparm(20)= 1
CPU time for solving Poisson equation= 0.510700000000000
Efield updated.
Poisson Equation Solved
Chemistry Solved
density checked after plasma chemistry
Photoionization Unsolved
density checked after photo-ionization
Continuity Equation Solved
density checked after drift-diffusion flux
Fluid Module is running
Fluid equations (Euler/NS) are solved
E/N max = 3.63 (Td)
Te max = 7736.63 (K)
ne max = 14.30 (log10 in m-3)
Time = 0.00E+00 dTime = 1.06E-11
CFL time (electron) = 1.60E-11 Diffusion time (electron)= 1.82E-11
CFL time (energy) = 1.06E-11 Diffusion time (energy)= 1.67E-11
Dielectric time = 7.05E-07 Chemistry time (plasma)= 1.00E+05
CFL time (fluid) = 5.16E-08
Circuit time= Infinity
Output: Density
Output: Electric field
Output: Fluid
Plasma(electrode) Current Calculated
DVODPK- At start of problem, too much accuracy
requested for precision of machine: See TOLSF (=R1)
In above message, R1 = NaN
External Circuit Equation Solved (Vodpk solver)
Dynamic refine begin
Dynamic refine done, the active mesh number is 302116
Faces is collected, the total number of faces is: 629931
Faces neighboring cells stored.
the minimum of wall distance was found.
Dynamic coarsen begin
Dynamic coarsen done, the active mesh number is 302116
Faces is collected, the total number of faces is: 629931
Faces neighboring cells stored.
the minimum of wall distance was found.
Plasma Module is running
density checked at the beginning
NaN Voltage Get through Circuit
Poisson Lagrange Basis Functions assigned
Poisson and Helmholtz Stencil JA and IA assigned
Poisson A matrix Assigned
Poisson RHS Assigned
iparm(4)= 0
Factorization completed ...
Poisson equation Solved ... iparm(20)= -62
CPU time for solving Poisson equation= 0.675000000000000
Efield updated.
Output: Electric field
Output: Density
iparm(20) < 0
PAUSE prompt>
使用PASSKEy2的过程中,模型使用Power_source =1 直接从voltage.input中读取时,可以正常运行,一旦开启Power_source=2 耦合外电路自洽求解电极电压时就会出问题。
错误开始时,控制台输出: DVODPK- At start of problem, too much accuracy
requested for precision of machine: See TOLSF (=R1)
In above message, R1 = NaN
发表于 2025-1-8 11:19:09
(2)没有上传具体配置,只有一页报错提示,是没法锁定问题的。 |